Every Lego Elves Earth Element Character Ever Made!
Farran, official LEGO Elves illustration, story line two.
Sira, official LEGO Elves artwork.
Thorne with Farran, official LEGO Elves illustration.
Baby dragon illustration, including Estari, Spark, Fledge, Rayne and Floria, from the official LEGO Elves artwork
Liska and Farran, official LEGO Elves art work.
Mr Spry the squirrel
Cronan, official LEGO Elves art work.
Ashwing the dragon, official LEGO Elves art work.
Guxlin, Bieblin, Dukelin and Rimlin, official LEGO Elves art work.
Tufflin, Smilin, Dukelin, Bieblin and Fibblin, official LEGO Elves art work.
Guxlin, Dukelin and Bieblin, official LEGO Elves art work.
Roblin, official LEGO Elves art work.
Tufflin, official LEGO Elves art work.
The Lego Elves theme is one of my favourite themes that has been produced within the past few years. I think the design concept of Elvendale is creative and magical, along with the range of characters that were produced. One of the features of the Elves story is that there are four main elements, water, fire, earth and air, along with the rare elements of love and light.
This page provides an overview of all the earth element characters that were created.
We start with Farran Leafshade, who is one of the main elves. Lego describes him in more detail:
Farran is an earth elf - through and through. He is very grounded and has a strong bond with all earth and rock materials. Farran likes to see himself as the leader of the group, but he is really more a caring, nurturing type than captain material. He is very attached to his home and the plants he takes care of there.
Powers: Controls earth elements like soil, plants and rocks.
Strengths: He is a lot stronger – both magically and personally – than he thinks, responsible, kind, reliable, helpful, giving.
Flaws: Worries too much, can’t help but collect things, doesn’t always see social patterns clearly, very cautious in potential dangerous situations, gets in fights over leadership.
Skills: He has a special bond with nature (on land), can make anything grow and thrive, can magically “talk” to plants and animals, is physically strong.
Favourite things: Nature, plants, animals, musical instruments, seeds, bags, tools.
Did you know: Farran once fell asleep watching a plant grow. When he woke up, it had grown to six times his height and lifted him to its top. He had to build a rope ladder from its vines to climb down!
Farran has a pale skin tone, he has brown spiky hair and green eyes. He also has a warm smile. Farran has the earth element symbol on his upper shoulder, as well as a green design on one cheek.
Across the four story lines of the Elves theme Farran’s clothing changes:
Story line one: Farran is wearing a reddish brown top with a gold leaf pattern on the front. Over the top he has a lime green sleeveless shirt. He is also wearing dark green baggy trousers with brown boots.
Story line two: Farran is wearing a sleeveless lime green top with a dark green and gold pattern and an asymmetrical collar. He also has bronze baggy trousers and brown shoes.
Story line three: Farran is wearing a lime green sleeveless top with dark brown and gold details, including a leaf pattern on the upper part of the torso. He is also wearing dark green baggy trousers with brown boots that cover his whole leg.
Story line four: Farran is wearing his armour outfit in this story line, which includes a lime green top with nougat brown details, including an asymmetrical strap across his torso and a belt around his waist. He is wearing dark grey trousers with light brown boots. His main accessory is a brick built shield that stands as tall as he does.
Farran was available in six sets:
The Elves' Treetop Hideaway, set 41075, released 2015, story line one
Farran and the Crystal Hollow, set 41076, released 2015, story line one
The Secret Market Place, set 41176, released 2016, story line two
Precious Crystal Mine, set 41177, released 2016, story line two
Magic Rescue from the Goblin Village, set 41185, released 2017, story line three
Noctura's Tower and the Earth Fox Rescue, set 41194, released 2018, story line four
Farran and the earth element key from story line one, official LEGO Elves artwork.
Sira Copperbranch is an earth elf but she enjoys activities associated with the air. Lego describes her as:
Sira Copperbranch is not like most earth elves. The Sky Captain rarely uses her earth magic. She would much rather be far from the ground, flying, climbing or looking at stars. Once you’re her friend she will walk through fire for you. Just don’t expect any favours if she doesn’t know you.
Strengths: Clever, observant, high self-esteem, cat-like elegance and coolness, a good problem solver, great maneuvering /navigating skills (On ground and in the air).
Flaws: Brutally honest. Not as perfect as she thinks herself.
Skills: Can control plants as all earth elves. Has a knack for building and piloting flying-machines, or whatever she might call them, great eyesight, and a skilled rock climber.
Favourite things: Her airship, birds, other flying animals - but not dragons! Stars, clouds, telescopes, rooftops, flying machines, her home - The Starlight Inn.
Sira has a pale skin tone with light spring green coloured hair, which also has a lavender stripe across the front fringe. Her hair is styled into a pony tail with some braids wrapped around her head. She has dark red eyes and a wide smile with dark red lips. Interestingly, she doesn’t have any designs on her shoulders or face.
Sira was included in story line two she comes in one outfit:
Sira is wearing a lime green dress that has a bronze ruffle around the hem and neckline. On the torso there is also a dark green pattern. She is wearing reddish brown boots that cover her whole leg.
Sira was available in two sets:
Sira’s Adventurous Airglider, polybag, set 30375, released 2016
The Starlight Inn, set 41174, released 2016
The LEGO Elves Starlight Inn set, featuring Sire, Azari and Spark the baby fire dragon.
We can now move onto the dragons. Thorne is the earth dragon and was featured in story line two. Lego describes Thorne in more detail:
Thorne is a stocky little dragon. Strong and happy like a bulldog. He loves Farran but they do not share the same personality like some of the other elf/dragon buddies. He’s very playful, but he is not completely silly.
Powers: Gentle earth magic.
Strengths: Loads of self-confidence!
Flaws: Sometimes too much confidence!
Skills: Can make everything on the earth sprout and blossom. Can manipulate living things.
Favourite things: Flying high above Elvendale with Farran to make plants, trees, and flowers sprout.
Did you know: Every time he picks a plant to eat, he makes sure a new one grows back in its place.
Thorne is mostly lime green, with transparent green details. His belly, chin and the backs of his legs are white. He has four legs and two wings. His wings are a gradient from lime green to transparent green. He also wears a brown saddle to make it easier for Farran to ride him, and the saddle can also transport items in a wooden trunk.
Thorne was available in one set, which was The Secret Market Place, set 41176, released 2016
Farran and Thorne, official LEGO Elves art work.
Floria is a baby earth dragon. Elandra (the Dragon Queen) is her mother.
Floria is lime green with transparent green details. She has gold horns.
Floria was available in one set:
The Precious Crystal Mine, set 41177, released 2016
Liska is a giant earth fox, who is also one of the Elemental Guardians. Lego describes her in more detail:
Liska the Guardian Earth Fox is the youngest of the Elemental Guardians. Had she been a human, she would have been a rock star. She’s confident, charismatic, friendly and VERY chill. She has no patience for hero worship, though. When she first meets Farran, he is completely star-struck and flabbergasted. So Liska’s first task in her bonding with Farran is to get him grounded, so to speak… She can be a little impulsive, but her protective instincts tend to kick in when she’s around Farran. This could be the beginning of a beautiful, magical friendship.
Liska is mostly lime green with gold, bright green, and transparent green details. She has a white belly and chin. She also has some lavender leaves across her torso and tail. Interestingly she also has three tails.
Liska was available in one set:
Noctura’s Tower and the Earth Fox Rescue, set 41194, released 2018
LEGO Elves Noctura’s Tower and the Earth Fox Rescue set.
Mr Spry is a purple squirrel, with some white printing around his eyes. Even though his colours and symbols imply he is associated with the air element, Farran can communicate with him making him an earth character. Lego describes him as:
Mr. Spry is the squirrel husband of Mrs. Spry. He runs his little shop with nuts of all kinds. He only accepts trades as payment. He’s got a sharp eye for a good deal, and is friendly and caring to all magical creatures. Except the evil ones, of course.
Mrs Spry is a bright light orange squirrel, with magenta printing around her eyes. Much like Mr Spry, Mrs Spry features non-earth colours, they are more associated with the fire element. However, since Farran can also communicate with her she is an earth character too.
Mr Spry was available in the set The Capture of Sophie Jones, set 41182, released 2017.
Mrs Spry was available in the set Farran and the Crystal Hollow, set 41076, released 2015.
Mrs Spry the squirrel, official LEGO Elves art work.
Hidee is a chameleon with a lime green head that fades into a magenta tail. Hidee is described by Lego as:
Hidee hates goblins. But she likes their food, so she has become quite the master at hiding in plain sight as she prowls through the streets of the Goblin Village to grab a bite to eat. The goblins hate when she steals their food, so they’re always trying to catch her.
Hidee was available in one set:
Magic Rescue from the Goblin Village, set 41185, released 2017
Enki is a panther who is light grey with a white pattern around his eyes and on his forehead.
Enki appeared in one set, which was The Elves Treetop Hideaway, set 41075, released 2015.
Cronan Darkroot is also called the Goblin King. He mainly has the elemental power of darkness, but he also has limited earth powers too. I thought it would be interesting to include him in this blog as a contrast to the other earth characters. Lego describes Cronan as:
The Goblin King is not actually a goblin… He is a power-hungry elf who wants to create a perfect world. By perfect, he means one where he’s the king of everything. He will destroy or curse anything that stands in his way. He uses his Shadow Amulet and his dark magic to mind control the weak-minded goblins. And now he is after Emily’s amulet to make his kingdom even bigger!
Powers: Dark magic, mind-control
Strengths: Powerful, smart, charming, handsome
Flaws: Lies to get what he wants, moody, has a bad temper.
Skills: Can control his temper if it means he can trick others into giving him what he wants.
Favourite things: Making his kingdom bigger.
Did you know: He can sleep with his eyes open!
Cronan has a pale skin tone and dark green hair. His hair swept back in an unkempt manner but seems to be held in place by his gold crown. He has a black design on one side of his face, with a similar black design down the opposite arm. Cronan has red eyes and a smirk on his face.
Cronan wears a black sleeveless top with a silver and gold patter to look like armour. He has black baggy trousers and dark grey boots with a gold pattern on them. His gold crown features the Goblin King emblem at the front. In one set he also wears a purple cape that is lined in red.
Cronan was available in two sets:
The Goblin Kings Evil Dragon, 41183, 2017
Breakout from the Goblin King’s Fortress, 41188, 2017
Cronan, Sophie Jones and Emily Jones, official LEGO Elves illustration.
Ashwing is an earth dragon that has a bond with Cronan. Lego describes Ashwing as:
Ashwing is an earth dragon, the sworn protector of the Goblin King, and once his best friend before he became evil. Back then, she was playful and happy, but mind-control has turned her quite mad… She is now kept in chains under the Goblin King’s fortress.
Powers: Ashwing is a stone-singer.
Strengths: Incredibly strong and alert guardian.
Flaws: Sleeps too little, which makes her even more grumpy. Has a strong desire to destroy.
Skills: Uses her rumbling call to sense minerals deep within the earth.
Favourite things: When Cronan takes her flying. Although she is always in chains when they fly.
Did you know: Sometimes she dreams about her happy past, but she doesn’t let herself believe it’s real.
Ashwing in mostly yellowish green with a black neck, legs, spines and large claws. She also has a magenta chin and some magenta on her tail. She has a red belly and a few other red details. There is also a transparent bright green crystal on her forehead. She has two legs and two wings that are yellowish green that fade from solid to transparent.
Ashwing was available in one set:
The Goblin King’s Evil Dragon, set 41183, released 2017
The Goblin King’s Evil Dragon set, official LEGO Elves art work
There are ten goblins that are featured in story line three. They are all listed below:
Barblin has a spring green skin tone with orange hair and an orange vest. He has a determined expression and was available in the set Capture of Sophie Jones (set 41182, released 2017). Lego describes him as:
Barblin loves his balloon ship more than anything else. He adores the Captain and tries to do everything to make him happy. With poor Barblin, it’s hard to tell if he is being mind-controlled by the Goblin King or just mindlessly following orders to make others happy.
Skills: Great balloon ship pilot and mechanic.
Flaws: Realizes too late when he’s hurting others because he’s not thinking straight.
Bieblin has a light bright yellow skin tone with orange hair and an orange vest. He has a curious expression and was available in the set Magic Rescue from the Goblin Village (set 41185, released 2017). Lego describes him in more detail as:
Bieblin is very happy with his life. He thinks he’s the most awesome goblin ever. He always carries a snack with him because it’s just stupid to do anything on an empty stomach. He’s lazy unless it has something to do with food or music. He loves to entertain the goblins in the village by playing his guitar and singing his own amazing songs.
Skills: The born entertainer. Can turn anything into an instrument.
Flaws: Quite selfish, noisy and lazy, just a liiiittle bit of a diva.
Dukelin has a spring green skin tone with blue hair and a blue vest. He also wears an eye patch and has a menacing expression. Dukelin was available in one set, which was Aira’s airship and the Amulet Chase (set 41184, released 2017). Lego describes him in more detail:
Dukelin never felt he belonged in the goblin village. But when the Goblin King took over the village, Dukelin found his true calling as the Goblin Kings’ right hand and commander. He is now the Captain of the balloon ship. He has an eye patch that doesn’t always seem to stay on the same eye.
Skills: Great engineer, super smart, commander and leader.
Flaws: Always thinks the other goblins talk behind his back. (They do.) Likes being in charge just a little too much.
Fibblin has a light aqua skin tone with dark purple hair and vest. He has an untrustworthy expression. Fibblin was available in one set, which was the Magic Rescue from the Goblin Village (set 41185, released 2017). Lego describes him as:
Fibblin loves a quiet moment with a good cup of whatever is brewing, and the latest goblin gossip. Actually, he starts most of the rumors in the village. His workshop is his favorite place. That’s where he builds nets and cages for the Goblin King. His door is always open to anyone with a thirst for creative tea – or creative news.
Skills: A superb tea maker, a great craftsman and loves to design overly complicated machines.
Flaws: Starts rumors and gossip. Almost none of his stories ever happened in real life.
Guxlin has a spring green skin tone with medium azure hair and vest. He has an intensely excited expression. He was available in the set Azari and the Goblin Forest Escape (set 41186, released 2017). Lego describes him in more detail as:
Guxlin is one with nature and loves his gardens. He supplies the goblin village with fresh fruits and vegetables. He’s an outdoorsy type goblin and a hard worker. He’s an expert in making plants grow fast and he’s quite smart. He believes actions speak louder than words. No need to show off, let’s just get the job done!
Skills: Intelligent, and an expert at making things grow.
Flaws: Only cares about what interests him (plants) which can make him a bit selfish at times.
Jimblin has a pale lavender skin tone with red hair and vest. His expression makes him look like he’s in a bad mood. Jimblin was available in one set, which was The Goblin King’s Evil Dragon (set 41183, released 2017). Lego describes him in more detail:
Jimblin says no to everything. Not because he wants to offend anyone, he just always says “no”, because to him it has so many meanings. He even says “no” to the King. This makes him an easy target and scapegoat if the King is in a bad mood.
Skills: Small but very strong.
Flaws: Doesn’t know that many words, and he doesn’t really care.
Rimlin has a bright light yellow skin tone with purple hair and vest. He has a cheeky expression on his face. Rimlin was available in the set Rosalyn’s Healing Hideout (set 41187, released 2017). Lego describes him as:
Rimlin is the youngest goblin in the village. He’s great at making things look beautiful and super cute. Actually, everything about Rimlin is so super cute that he’s known in the village by the name “Aaarrwww”. If you could see into his heart, you would see pure gold. And turning him evil doesn’t seem to work as well as the Goblin King hoped for...
Skills: Can make even a rusty old axe look like a cute toy.
Flaws: Simple-minded, easily forgets things, doesn’t always know when he’s in danger.
Roblin has a spring green skin tone with magenta hair and vest. He has a deceitful expression. He was available in the set Naida’s Gondola and the Goblin Thief (set 41181, released 2017). Lego describes him as:
If it shines, Roblin is all over it! He loves beautiful, magical things. It makes him sooo HAPPY! He spends all day searching for fantastic objects. And when he finds them, he hides them so nobody else will find them.
Skills: An excellent thief. Moves like a black magic cat to get in and out of the strangest places and find or hide things.
Flaws: Doesn’t care who owns it – if it shines, he wants it.
Smilin has a pale lavender skin tone with magenta hair and vest. He has an under-bite which makes him look grumpy. Smilin was available in the set Magic Rescue from the Goblin Village (set 41185, released 2017). Lego describes Smilin as:
We don’t know much about Smilin, but he loves to sleep and boy, does he sleep. This makes him a pretty useless guard. But watch out, he’s super grumpy when he does wake up.
Skills: You may say he’s a dreamer.
Flaws: When he finally is awake, he gets grumpy from lack of sleep.
Tufflin has a pale lavender skin tone with blue hair and vest. He has an aggressive or determined expression. Tufflin was available in one set, which was the Breakout from the Goblin King’s Fortress (set 41188, released 2017). Lego describes Tufflin as:
Tufflin has really taken the full blow of the Goblin King’s evil spell. He’s gone quite mad. At everything. He picks a fight with everyone and everything in the village – even thin air. He always thinks someone is plotting to attack him, so it’s best to deal the first blow, just to be on the safe side.
Skills: Great imagination.
Flaws: It would help him to use his imagination to come up with nice things instead of being angry at walls for yelling at him without words…
I hope you have enjoyed my blog about all the earth element characters created as part of the Lego Elves theme.
Ruth and Pucky
Thorne with Farran.
Liska and Farran
Mrs Spry the squirrel
Hidee the chameleon
Enki the panther
Cronan and Ashwing.